Clare Paulson as Thomasina Coverly and Miles River Willow as Septimus Hodge in Arcadia “ Forget this world and all its troubles and if possible its multitudinous Charlatans—every thing in short but the Enchantress of Numbers .” ~Charles Babbage, 1833 What: Arcadia , by Tom Stoppard, is a conundrum set in two time periods where the past and future collide when scholars at an old English estate try to prove theories by piecing together the past. Where : Pendragon Theatre , 15 Brandy Brook Ave, Saranac Lake, 518-891-1854, Advanced tickets price: $30/adult, $25/senior, $15/student with ID, $20/matinee At Door ticket price : $35/adult/senior, $25/student, $20/matinee When: Saranac Lake: August 26,27 28 at 8 pm Tyler Nye as Valentine Coverly and Shamus Hunter McCarty as Bernard Nightingale in Arcadia (Saranac Lake) There are only three chances left to see Pendragon Theatre’s performance of Arcadia and it shouldn’t...