
Showing posts with the label Books with Adirondack Connections

Strangers On A Bridge – Cold War Attorney James Donovan’s Granddaughter Reflects on His Legacy

Strangers on A Bridge by James B. Donovan “I decided to keep a diary on the case…on what would appear to be my most challenging assignment of law since the Nuremberg Trials.”   ~ James B. Donovan, Strangers on a Bridge : The Case of Colonel Abel   Nowadays one would be hard pressed to find someone who has not heard of the historic role of Cold War attorney James Donovan , the subject of the Steven Spielberg’s six-time Oscar nominated film, Bridge of Spies . One Google search, a subscription to Time , The Wall Street Journal,   The New York Times or any other newsfeed provides enough information to fill a term paper or at the very least a few paragraphs of this post.  Donovan’s granddaughter Beth Amorosi recalls when that wasn’t always the situation.  An untimely death in 1970 of a heart attack at the age of 53 pushed her grandfather’s legacy to the bottom of the history pages, into the footnotes.  “Over the years my family was so...