
Showing posts from April 19, 2015

A Happy B'Earth Day Cake

HAPPY EARTH DAY! This is my daughter's favorite cake to make. It doubles as an Earth Day/Birthday celebration. If anyone is interested in making it, what I did was quite simple. 1) Make your favorite cake recipe. I used the one-bowl chocolate cake from Craig Claibourne's New York Times Cookbook . You have to make two batches for each half of the globe. 2) Find two bowls of the same diameter. Oil and flour the insides of both. 3) Cook as directed and when finished cool and use a spatula to pop the cakes out of the bowls. 4) Frost. I made a no-cook butter cream frosting. Frost the two halves together forming the globe. 5) Put a light coating of blue-dyed frosting over the sides leaving a small area on top for the polar ice caps.* 6) Lastly use a globe as a guide, with a different color frosting "paint" on your continents. 7) Go for a run. That butter cream frosting is just that, butter. *I couldn't find my blue dye and berries made the "world" too pu...

Saratoga Museum Poster Contest for Kids

C alling All Kids pre-school through Grade 2 For the Children's Museum at Saratoga's  Annual Big Truck Day Poster Contest Contest Rules: Open to children pre-school through Grade 2. Design the poster at the museum's own Creation Station art room, at school, or at home. Submissions must be on white paper between 8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17. Please include child's name, school grade, name of school, & contact info (address & phone number) on the back of your submission. Deliver submissions to The Children's Museum by  Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 . Prize Package: The winner will have their design featured on all promotional materials  and will receive a prize package including:   A $50 gift certificate to G.Williker's!  FREE tickets (2 adults and 3 children) to the Big Truck Day Event! And more to come! Big Truck Day is always held the first Saturday in August. This year Big Truck Day will be held August 1, 10 am - 2 pm   at t...