
Showing posts with the label winter inside activity

Crafts: Aldo Leopold Bench Plans

Enjoy these simple plans for this simple bench that provides a perfect place to observe the natural world.  C onsidered by many as the father of wildlife management and of the United States’ wilderness system, Aldo Leopold was a conservationist, forester, philosopher, educator, writer, and outdoor enthusiast . “That land is a community is the basic concept off ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics.” Though his book, The Sand County Almanac is a must read, it may be something that can wait for anyone with very young children. For everyone else, it's a wonderful example of nature writing that is a timeless connection to the land. My family first made our first  "Leopold Bench" as a group effort at the Aldo celebration at the A dirondack Interpretive Center in Newcomb, NY. It remains one our most comfortable outdoor benches. It also was a project that allowed us to work together. © Diane Chase, author of A dirondac...

Adirondack Mountain Club High Peaks Lecture Series 2012

Located right outside of Lake Placid, The High Peaks Information Center (HPIC) at Heart Lake is once again offering its yearly FREE lecture series.  All programs are free and open to the public.  Saturday evening lectures at HPIC begin at 8 p.m.  Lecture Series   Jan. 7 Winter Birds of the Adirondacks Join Joan Collins, president of Adirondack Avian Expeditions & Workshops, LLC as she discusses winter birds in the Adirondacks. She will discuss why the birds move to our region in the winter and where you can find them. The presentation will feature photographs and vocalizations of 19 species that visit northern New York in winter.

Willsboro:Champlain Valley Film Society Winter Movie Schedule

Champlain Valley Film Society Winter 2012 Movie Schedule NOTE: all Winter films will be shown at 7:30 PM rather than 8:00. And all shows will be held at the Willsboro Central School.

Adirondack Winter Indoor Golf and Driving Ranges

©Diane Chase, Adirondack Family Time Taking a break from skiing the bumps? Here are a few inside golfing activities that can provide a different type of winter activity.