Adirondack Invasives: Honeysuckle
Trumpet honeysuckle ( L. sempervirens ) is a native plant DID YOU KNOW? Native Adirondack honeysuckle to look for are: American fly-honeysuckle ( Lonicera canadensis ) and Limber honeysuckle ( Lonicera dioica) and Northern bush-honeysuckle ( Diervilla lonicera ), Wetland area honeysuckles : Mountain fly-honeysuckl e ( L. villosa ) and Swamp fly-honeysuckl e ( L. oblongifolia ) Native vines: Trumpet honeysuckle ( L. sempervirens ) and Hairy honeysuckle ( L. hirsuta ) How to tell the difference? Invasive honeysuckle have hollow stems while the Adirondack natives have solid stems . Non-native are larger and more vigorous than the Adirondack honeysuckles.