Don't forget to help stop hunger at the 2nd annual North Country Food Pantry Benefit. Eleven musicians are donating their amazing talents for a free concert. Your cost is to bring a nonperishable food item or donation to the food pantry. Come and go! The concert (February 25) starts at noon and continues to 8:00 p.m. at the Saranac Lake Harrietown Town Hall. Help fight hunger! This year’s line-up is impressive. Drop by the Harrietstown Town Hall to see Cameron Anderson, Shamrock House Band, Theresa Hartford, Rustic Riders, Celia Evans, Eric and the Dutchman, Jamie Savage, Roy Hurd, Blind Owl Band and the Ruff, Good Daques Band. There will be refreshments available for purchase through Paul Smith’s College and SODEXO with all proceeds benefiting local food pantries. There will be another musical benefit in the spring to benefit the Tupper Lake Food Pantry.