
Showing posts with the label nature walk

An Easy Adirondack Walk and Views of Lake Champlain at the Champlain Memorial Lighthouse

By Diane Chase There is something special about having alone time with my daughter. It gets even better now that she branches out beyond the princess -themed play to climb, fish, or catch something. This time we are explores searching for new lands. We may not discover unchartered territory in our Adirondack Coast tour but we will tread on the lands discovered over 400 years ago by Samuel de Champlain. The Champlain Memorial Lighthouse sits on the edge of what is now the Crown Point Public Campground. It overlooks Vermont and sits surrounded by land that witnessed battles and forts. Originally constructed in 1858, the Champlain Memorial Lighthouse is a statement to the States of New York and Vermont and the Province of Quebec who worked together to reconstruct this monument as a testament to explorer Samuel de Champlain.

Spring Fever: Eight (8) Days of Nature Activities

By Diane Chase During a change of season I am always a bit overwhelmed whether its a new school year, Christmas shopping and all those twinkle lights or springtime mud. Everyone needs to get outside so here are 8 days of nature activities to do with your family to clear your head, no matter what environment you live in. Day One:  Look at the sky. Simple you say but how many times do you work in an office all day, commute to your job, sit in your car, play outside but never look up at the sky. Take a look. What do you see? Stars? Clouds? A jet? My daughter saw a magic carpet and a mermaid. Yes, together. Day Two: Look down, get on your knees down low and look at the ground. Look past the concrete and other stuff and try to find the earth.  Yesterday you looked up and today you look down. That is what children look at all the time, whether they are just learning to walk or running around. Get down low today and see what you have been walking on all this time.

Easy Adirondack Hikes: Snowshoe or Hike to Long Lake's Buttermilk Falls

By Diane Chase Buttermilk Falls in Long Lake is a wonderful place to stop and stretch your legs, have a picnic or just enjoy the view.  From the village of Long Lake, take NYS route 28/30 south for 3 miles to North Point Road. There will be a sign here that says "Buttermilk Falls." Turn right (west) onto North Point Road, and follow it for 2.1 miles. 

Adirondack Full Moon: Cross-Country Ski or Snowshoe Options for the Full Moon

© Diane Chase, Adirondack Family Time By Diane Chase An Adirondack Full Moon Ski, Hike or Swim?  One Adirondack family activity we always enjoy is taking our cross-country skies and hitting a trail. The kids find it exciting and we get to experience nature in a new way.  You can take your family to enjoy a planned event or find a quiet place and have kids find out what animals are starting to wake up at night! Always bring a headlamp whether you are out on your favorite trail or participating in an organized event! Enjoy!

Finding a Peaceful Adirondack Moment with the Black-Capped Chickadees

It is a chilly morning in the Adirondacks. Taking my puppy for a walk leads me on all sorts of adventures that I look forward to sharing with my family later in the day.  The woods are so still and even my pup seems to know to be quiet.  The trees are covered in frost and was fortunate to hear the black-capped chickadees simple 3-note whistle. 

HIking with Kids Trail Trivia: Look For This Tree: Tamarack

Look for This Tree!  It is the only deciduous   conifer *   It's needles will turn yellow in autumn. This tree is mostly found in swampy places

Adirondack Senior Outing Club: Open to all 55+ looking to enjoy outdoors!

The Will Rogers Senior Outing Club April event will take place at the Ausable Wildlife Management Marsh departing Will Rogers on April 26 at 9:00 a.m. Come walk, bird watch, view the scenery and discover other animals in their natural habitat. The Ausable Wildlife Management Marsh is located on 660 acres in Peru, NY along Lake Champlain.  A one-mile foot trail is available for walking and will guide walkers through the marsh. This program is free and open to the public.  Transportation may be able to be provided.  Please RSVP by calling Jenn Grisi at (518) 891-7117 or by emailing her at  saranacvillageatwillrogers@ The Will Rogers Senior Outing Club, is open to all seniors (55+) interested in venutring out for moderate activity at various locations around the area.  Their mission is to "offer seniors the change to enjoy outdoor adventures with companionship, safety and fun.

Adirondack Family: FREE Wildlife Awareness Day

Steve Hall gives a raptor demonstration By Diane Chase Labor Day weekend in the Adirondacks is a perfect time to be able to have kids get up close and personal with the wildlife that surrounds  them as we hike, walk and play.  Not so long ago my children discovered a baby robin out of its nest and floundering near our front stoop. The mother robin circled nervously. It was a difficult decision to stand back and let nature take its course. My husband and I were operating with a barrage of opinions, a few old wives tales, two crying children and a curious dog. The baby was a fledgling and managed to seek refuge under the deck while its mother continued to feed it. We assume that it flew away one morning like it was supposed to, with no help from us. The most challenging part of those few days was keeping overzealous children from creating a bird sanctuary as the dog whined for a nibble of Robin Red-Breast Tartare. Cree the Wolf This Saturday, September 4, 2010, childre

Adirondack Walks: Stony Pond in the William C. Whitney Wilderness Area

After a few weekends filled with theatre we needed a little family outdoor time to bring back some balance. We have never entered the William C. Whitney Wilderness area. We have driven past with a longing look wondering what lies beyond that road. As we drive down the winding road private posted signs flank the road. At first we are unsure if we are going the right way. Finally those familiar DEC signs start appearing. The William C. Whitney area is surrounded by private land in and around the Wilderness area. We cross the bridge over Little Tupper Lake when someone spots a pair of mallards paddling on the marsh. It is one of our first signs of spring. The horse trail is just beyond so we eagerly question what other spring gifts may be on the trail. We have no plans to walk the complete four miles to the shore of Little Tupper Lake. Stony Pond is a little closer at 2.75-miles. The snow is granular and the ground is bare in most places. The snowshoes are obsolete here. We kick t

Long Lake NY for Kids: 13 Easy Short Hikes in Long Lake

Here are some ideas for parents, Adirondack (ADK) kids, retired or seniors and anyone wishing to go for a hike around the Long Lake area. Sargent Ponds Start from Lower Sargent Pond for a walk of 1.5 miles on the Northpoint Road to make the loop. Upper Sargent Pond —1.3 Miles, well marked, about 1/2 hour each way. Well marked trail markers. Lower Sargent Pond via Grass Pond —2.1 miles, well marked. Lower Sargent Pond is less than 20 minutes beyond Grass Pond. There is a lean-to overlooking Lower Sargent Pond. Lower Sargent-Upper Sargent by way of Middle Pond —1.7 miles between Upper & Lower. Sargent Pond Loop —9 miles includes distance between the trail heads. It is possible to make the Upper and Lower Ponds into a loop by way of the trail by way of Middle Pond. Owl's Head Mountain —3.2 miles to summit, well marked trail, relatively difficult after about 2 1/4 miles, scenic views of the Fishing Brook Range with the High Peaks in the distance. The trail head is

Adirondack Hikes: Skipping stones on Lake Champlain

By Diane Chase Skipping stones. I wouldn’t think that would be enough to keep my child entertained but I am proven wrong. We enter Pont au Roche Park and follow signs to the playground. It is officially off-season so parking is free, a bonus we didn’t expect. I try to get the kids to walk the one-mile bicycle path to the nature center, but they see the unoccupied beach and want out. The car is hardly in park when they start running to the beach as if wild dogs were chasing them. What is the hurry? I just sit and watch the water lap over the sand in its season finale. I turn to get the lunch. I am in charge of the food. Everyone wants to eat it but it has become my role to worry about having it. Perhaps it’s a mother’s obsession but like some kind of magician I have been known to pull the makings for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich out of my bag. So it’s certainly no surprise my family expects me to have provisions on demand. The kids are in a self-made competition to contrib