Shonen Knife to perform in Long Lake Tonight!
S honen Knife in Concert Mt. Sabattis Pavilion in Long Lake Saturday July 28 Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Bring a picnic and a lawn chair. $15, Kids under 12 are free. The all-girl Japanese Pop-Punk Band Shonen Knife recently completed their 30th anniversary across North America and now will take a tour stop in Long Lake. Formed in Osaka, Japan the band's music is heavily influenced by the Ramones and The Beach Boys. Shonen Knife is the most internationally recognized name in Japanese Rock. This project is sponsored by The Town of Long Lake and is made possible with public funds from the NYS Council on the Arts Decentralization Re-grant Program. In Hamilton County, the Decentralization Program is administered by the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts, located in Blue Mountain Lake.