
Showing posts from June 15, 2008

Malone (NY) Museums: Just Beyond the Adirondacks is the Homestead of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy

This Saturday, June 21, the Almanzo Wilder Farm is having a 75th anniversary celebration of the publication of Farmer Boy; the book based on the boyhood experiences of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s husband. From 1857-1875 the Wilders made Burke, NY their home. Most people have heard of the “Little House” books that preserved a personal account of frontier life. Now translated into over 40 different languages, the Laura Ingalls Wilder’s series glimpses into a time that has disappeared but that clearly shows how our country was built by the resilience of pioneers like the Ingalls and Wilder families. We are indeed fortunate to have one such location nearby. The 84-acre farm/museum will be hosting a series of events during this celebratory day. The hours during this special event are 10:00-5:00 with docents available to answer questions regarding the vast property and its special connection to the book. There are quite a few events that center around the Wilders as depicted in Farmer Boy...