
Showing posts with the label Adirondack Invasives

Adirondack Invasives: Go Native! (Substitute Native Plants for Invasive Plants)

Looking around my own property I find that I have inherited trees, shrubs and plants that are considered moderately invasive in the Adirondack Park. Before I go ripping up my whole yard, I am looking into substituting the plants with native species to New York and the Adirondacks. It will take some weeding, but will be worth it in the long run! Before you transplant know what is considered invasive! Adirondack Nature Conservancy (ANC) surveyed roadsides for the following invasive plants: Garlic mustard  ( Alliaria petiolata ) Russian and autumn olive  ( Elaeagnus angustifolia  and  E.  umbellata  ) Fly and tatarian honeysuckle (  Lonicera  morrowii  and  L. tatarica ) Purple loosestrife (  Lythrum  salicaria ) White sweet-clover (  Melilotus  alba) Common reed grass (  Phragmites  australis ) Japanese knotweed (  Polygonum  cuspidatum ) Common and smooth buckthorn (  Rhamnus  cathartica  and  R. frangula ) Black locust (  Robinia  pseudoacacia ) Black swallowwort 

Adirondack Invasives: Where to look for Native New York Plants

My backyard has a mixture of wildflowers and cultivated plants with an eye toward native perennials. I gentle move the spring foamflowers, bunchberries and bluets that always manage to pop up in the middle of my kids’ baseball field. I protect the trillium from the puppy and neighborhood kids while making sure nothing invasive has traveled perhaps by squirrel, bird or child. Yes, child. I’ve had to educate my daughter that picking roadside plants, (which sometimes includes the roots, is not a good way of keeping our garden and property safe from Adirondack invasives. Since she is also a fan of gardening, I’ve limited her transplanting to items already located to our property. I’m always adding new plants and like most gardeners like to share and receive plants from friends and neighbors. I try to be careful and research each plant before accepting to my garden. I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way, but am thankful for all the organizations out there willing to share in

Adirondack Invasive Species Awareness Week July 7-13, 2013

Adirondack Invasive Species Awareness Week Celebrated Annually the Second Week of July Adirondack communities and organizations will celebrate the 8th annual ISAW July 7 - July 13, 2013 . WHY*      Invasive plants and animals threaten Adirondack lakes, ponds, rivers, and forests, which are precious resources that underwrite the economy of many communities through recreation, tourism, forestry, and numerous other uses. WHAT*   Learn about the issues surrounding invasive species (both plant and animal, aquatic and terrestrial) and about the importance of native biodiversity in the Adirondacks by attending workshops, field trips, lectures, and control parties.  WHO*     Hundreds of citizens of all ages across the Adirondack region. WHERE*     Nature centers, natural areas, lakes, rivers, agricultural fields, parks, campgrounds, institutions of higher learning, natural history museums… WHEN*     The second week of July every year. HOW*    Plan an activity for