All Hands Hoay!
There is something to be said about talking like a pirate that just doesn’t get old, at least in our house. It is probably only my children who’s acting skills come into play when simply asked to set the dinner table. Then the pirate-speak comes out in full force. They are being held captive until their real parents can swoop in and free them from evil forces. The imposed drudgery of picking up their own toys is met with “Or ye’ll what? Put me in t’hold?” There is a bit of sass that goes along with pirate talk (since pirates are not known for their manners). So we couldn’t ask for a better Winter Carnival theme than Pirates of the Adirondacks because our pirate vocabulary was getting a bit weak. As research says if you don’t use a foreign language regularly, you lose it, so I am here to help you practice, practice, practice for the last few days of Carnival, “Arrr. ya scurvy dogs.” The standards of “Blow me down” and “Shiver me timbers” are fine to use if ye are shocked over the outco