Investing Locally: Locavesting on Main Street not Wall Street

By Diane Chase We have all heard about the local food movement but what about the local investment movement? What would happen if we invested 1% into a local business rather than sending our money to large corporations or overseas? In the Adirondacks there are plenty of people with great ideas that lack the capital to grow their business. As more and more people attempt to eat locally, can we take it one step further and start investing with that same 50-mile range? Author Amy Cortese writes about investing in businesses 50 miles or less from your home in her book, Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit from It." Some of the greatest examples she found of local stock markets and local investing was in the town of Hardwick, VT where business owners went to local investors to solve cash flow issues when businesses started to grow too fast The Saranac Lake Community Store is one such group investment effort and I am sure there are...