Inspired by Jr Iron Chef VT, a project of Burlington School Food Project and Vermont FEED , North Country Iron Chef Jr is helping to bolster the local food movement in school cafeterias. North Country Iron Chef Jr is making its debut on March 9, 2013 at the Eben Holden Center, St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. A cooking competition for middle and high school students from Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties. , North Country Iron Chef, Jr. The goal of North Country Iron Chef Jr. is for students, using a combination or local and USDA foods create a recipe that could be prepared in a school cafeteria. While promoting the use of local foods in school menus, North Country Iron Chef Jr also provides students with hands-on experience and an opportunity to lifelong skills that relate to healthy living. Each team had to submit a recipe the the committee by February 1 that met a list of criteria including t...