
Showing posts with the label Hadley

Last Spring Maple Festivals in Adirondacks: Hadley and Willsboro

By Diane Chase For those that want to extend the maple season, Pok-O-MacCready in Willsboro will hold its “Last Drop” Pancake Breakfast ($6/adults, $5 (kids 12 and under) $6/seniors) from 8:00 a.m. – noon on April 30th. This event features homemade maple syrup collected and made right at the   Pok-O-MacCready Outdoor Education Center.   Further south in the Hadley/Lake Luzerne area the whole community is coming together for the 7 th   annual Maple in April Festival. On Friday, April 29 th   the event will kick off with a cooking contest in which all entries have to contain maple in the recipe. map of Rockwell Street events in Hadley There are plenty of family-friendly events happening on April 30th. The town of Hadley has closed off Circular Street to create a “big truck” area where children can explore local fire trucks, dump trucks and logging trucks.  The Saga City Exchange Group is putting on a children carnival with all sorts of games and th...