
Showing posts from June 23, 2013

Lake George: Martha's Dandee Ice Creme

Sunday - Thursday 11 am - 9 pm Friday - Saturday 11 am - 10 pm  © Diane Chase is the author of the Adirondack Family Activities™ guidebook series, Adirondack Family Time™, which is available online or bookstores/museums/sporting good stores. Diane is currently working on the third guidebook in the four-book series of Adirondack Family Activities™.

Adirondack Invasive Species Awareness Week July 7-13, 2013

Adirondack Invasive Species Awareness Week Celebrated Annually the Second Week of July Adirondack communities and organizations will celebrate the 8th annual ISAW July 7 - July 13, 2013 . WHY*      Invasive plants and animals threaten Adirondack lakes, ponds, rivers, and forests, which are precious resources that underwrite the economy of many communities through recreation, tourism, forestry, and numerous other uses. WHAT*   Learn about the issues surrounding invasive species (both plant and animal, aquatic and terrestrial) and about the importance of native biodiversity in the Adirondacks by attending workshops, field trips, lectures, and control parties.  WHO*     Hundreds of citizens of all ages across the Adirondack region. WHERE*     Nature centers, natural areas, lakes, rivers, agricultural fields, parks, campgrounds, institutions of higher learning, natural history museums… WHEN*   ...

Baking Soda Volcanos and 40 Other Uses For Baking Soda

Since we all have an interest in keeping the toxic items aways from our kids, here is one product no family should do without. Baking soda!  Sodium Bicarbonate is not only cheap but can be used as a cleanser or beauty product. My kids love to make "volcanos" simply using a bottle, baking soda and vinegar. You can get a bit more complicated if you wish but I  like to keep things simple. To make a volcano: Materials: One short bottle (not too tall or the baking soda "lava" won't flow over the top), 2 tbs of baking soda, few drops dish detergent, vinegar, towels to clean up the mess Put a few drops of dish detergent at the bottom of the bottle Put in about two tablespoons of baking soda into the bo ttle S lowly pour in the vinegar and watch the volcano erupt! The baking soda and vinegar combine to produce carbonic acid which breaks apart (causing all the fizzing) into water and carbon dioxide. • If you wish to get fancy, papier-mĆ¢chĆ© the bottle with...