
Showing posts with the label birds

Backyard Birdfeeder Watch November - April

Project Feeder Watch is a winter-long bird feeder watch program involving nature centers, individuals, backyards and other organizations. Join in the fun and help  Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada track bird movements. Scientists relay on people of all skill levels to participate to help them track data of winter bird populations and long-term trends.     There is a fee involved ($18/nonmembers, $15/members) Kits are shipped between October and February. The current season is  November 14, 2015  through April 8, 2016 New project participants  receive a bird-identification poster, bird-feeding information, and instructional materials.   New and renewing participants  receive a calendar, a tally sheet, and paper forms.  Just count the birds that come to your feeder. You report only the highest number of each species you see in view at one time.  This is a fun winter projects for all fami...

Be A Nature Detective: Robin Red Breast First Sign of Spring

By Diane Chase Honestly, my children think the first sign of an Adirondack spring is the Michigan hotdog guy that places his cart at the intersection of Route 86/30 in Paul Smiths. That fellow is sometimes out there waiting for Paul Smith College students even in weather that Mother Nature's first sign of spring, the Robin Red Breast , finds daunting.

Finding a Peaceful Adirondack Moment with the Black-Capped Chickadees

It is a chilly morning in the Adirondacks. Taking my puppy for a walk leads me on all sorts of adventures that I look forward to sharing with my family later in the day.  The woods are so still and even my pup seems to know to be quiet.  The trees are covered in frost and was fortunate to hear the black-capped chickadees simple 3-note whistle. 


WHAT IS THE GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT?  How to do the Great Backyard Bird Count The Great Backyard Bird Count is a four-day event to gain a real-time idea of where birds are located across the continent. Anyone from novice to expert bird watcher can participate. It is free and fun for all members of the family. 1. Plan to count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count. You can count each day or just some of the days and you can count in different places. Just be sure to keep a separate list of birds for each day and each location. 2. For each type of bird you see, count the most you see at any one time. For example, maybe you see two chickadees when you start watching, then five chickadees a few minutes later. The number you put on your list for chickadees is five. Do NOT add two plus five. (This way way you don't accidentally count the same bird twice.) You may find it helpful to print out your  regional bird checklist  to get an idea ...

Adirondack for Kids: Be A Nature Detective Bald Eagles!

Bald Eagles can be seen in the Adirondacks, Alaska, and every state but Hawaii. If you take your kids out in the Adirondacks and see a bald eagle, please remind your kids not to interfere, just observe! If you are out on a walk or hike near a Adirondack pond or lake, you may just come across a bald eagle. Below are some fun facts to share!