
Showing posts with the label Firetower hikes

Adirondack Fire tower Hike: Champlain Valley's Poke-O-Moonshine

Poke-O-Moonshine Fire Tower, Keeseville NY Climbing Poke-O-Moonshine, Keeseville Elevation: 2,170' Vertical ascent: 1,450' Ranger Trail: (red markers) 1.2-mile Truck Trail: (blue markers) 2.4 We have not climbed Poke-O-Moonshine in quite some time. My son wants to listen to the song that refers to it by name. My husband and I look at him in confusion. He quotes the lyrics, “Misty Poke-Moonshine, teardrop in my eye.” Hmmm. It leads to a discussion on John Denver, “Country Roads” and the moonshine, in that song, refers to the home-brew “white lightening” not an Adirondack hike. hiking map of Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain  All references I’ve found to the name point to it being an amalgamation of the Algonquin words “pohqui” meaning broken and “moosie” translating to smooth. Some people believe the name refers to the flat rock summit and sheer granite cliffs. Those cliffs attract rock climbers from all over to attempt more than 50 rock-climbing routes with n...