Adirondack Strawberry Festivals and U-Pick Farms

Strawberry flowers Though we have had more rain than sun over the last few days, strawberries are starting to ripen and Pick-Your-Own fields are planning on opening to the public over the next couple of weeks. Festivals are set to gesture in summer with all things strawberry. Rulf’s Orchard in Peru is holding their 4th annual Strawberry Festival on June 27 with a bounce house, vendors, strawberry shortcake eating contest and wagon rides to the U-Pick patch. Raquette Lake is whipping up fresh strawberry shortcake while Crown Point will host its annual celebration of those delicious red berries. According to Shannon Rulf their strawberry fields opened last Sunday for U-Pick. During the festival She expects more people to come to take part in all the activities, not come to pick huge quantities of berries so she is also offering a special quart-size price for people taking the Country Dream Farm free horse and wagon ride to the fields. ...