Family Fun: May Day! What to do in the Adirondacks 4/30-5/2 2010
By Diane Chase The Adirondack spring snow was unexpected. It doesn't matter if it happens every spring, I still do not expect it. I pack my children's boots away hoping that the mere act of getting the winter gear out of site will render them out of season. Well, that plan didn't work for me so back we loaded on the layers, made snow blobs (it would be too generous to call them men, women or children) and had a snow ball fight. It may not snowed lemons but we made lemonade just the same. This Saturday is May Day. If you want to resurrect the old fashioned tradition of a May Day basket, check out these tips. Also a reminder that the Wild Center reopens on May 1st after a month of putting on a new spring face! The theme of events this weekend seems to be all about recycling and reusing as everyone from town-wide rummage sales to library sales are on the docket. This weekend is supposed to be back to warm weather but we'll keep our jackets handy. Enjoy the weekly line-u...