
Showing posts with the label Adirondack full moon events

Six (6) Adirondack Full Moon Snowshoe/XC Ski Events

UPDATED!  Recently my family went on an evening Owl Prowl with the Champlain Valley Areas Trails (CATS) . Now on January 30 at 7 pm, they will be conducting another  moonlight hike to explore the woods and experience winter under the evening sky. There is always something magical about getting outside and skiing under a bright Adirondack full moon. Though it is certainly easy enough to visit any trail with a headlamp and proper gear, it is sometimes the camaraderie of an organized event that pulls everything together. Most organized activiies are family-friendly, but if you are in need of night off from the kids then Cascade Ski Center’s Full Moon Skis are the place to be. (Look for more ski/snowshoe options in my Adirondack Family Time guidebooks.) Champlain Valley Areas Trails (CATS) . January 30: 7 pm   - free moonlight hike starting at the Angler Hill Rd trailhead to walk along the new Wildway Passage Trail in Westport. Concluding the snowshoe hike there ...