
Showing posts from January 19, 2014

Adirondack Paintball Biathlon Series 2014

No one has to wait for the Sochi Winter Olympics games to participate in an Olympic sport. Once again all young adults have an opportunity to be part of the Adirondack Paintball Biathlon.                                                        The entry is $10/event for the first six events ($5 for NYSEF, NPSC, ORDA Pathfinder, Dewey Mt and TLNS athletes). There is a $20 admission for anyone participating during the Grand Finale as part of the NYSEF Nordic Kids Festival on March 23.                                                Any child from 8-14 can register and compete in any or all of the 2014 Adirondack Paintball Biathlon Series. Any child competing in all seven events gets a free event t-shirt. No experience is necessary...