
Showing posts with the label maple weekend

Be A Nature Detective: Making Maple Syrup

We only have five maple trees on our property and each year we produce two gallons of maple syrup, just enough for our family's consumption. Making maple syrup is a rewarding experience for children and families. It is a wild foraged food source that does take a lot of time, but is always worth the effort! • Can syrup be made from any sap out of any tree?  Well, it depends on what you want to use the syrup for. If you want something to sweeten your morning pancakes then maple trees have the highest content of sugar. Syrup has also been made from birch trees,  • How do you get the sap out of the tree?  A person has to drill a hole into the tree and tap in a spiel, a small peg that will let the sap drip out. A bucket or jar is also attached to the tree to catch the drips of sap. 

Thurman Maple Days Schedule of Events

Celebrate the spring season with everything maple  in Thurman, NY! March 22 - 23 and March 29 - 30 Pancakes served at 190 Valley Road, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. High school kids serve hot dogs and more, 151 Chas. Olds Rd.,  11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Check out the schedule above!

Adirondack New York Maple Weekends 2012

By Diane Chase, Adirondack Family Activities Have fun this weekend with New York State's Maple Weekend. Producers across New York are hosting fun family events with wagon rides, tours, and sampling.  Below is a listing of Adirondack (and beyond) producers.  FRANKLIN COUNTY Friend's Maple Products,  402 Spencer Road,  Burke, NY,  (518) 483-5559 Activities:  Free horsedrawn wagon rides to the sugarbush to see the tapping. Syrup,maple lollipops, maple cotton, maple cream and homemade donuts for sale. Don't miss a taste of ice cream with fresh maple syrup! Enter our drawing for a free gift basket of maple products. Tour the entire production process from tapping, gathering, & evaporating the sap. Directions:  1 1/2 miles off State Route 11, Burke Open:  March 17, March 18, March 24, March 25 The Wild Center ,  Tupper Lake,  (518) 359-7800 (admission) Activities:  On March 17th it's All Maple Day sll day with...

Last Spring Maple Festivals in Adirondacks: Hadley and Willsboro

By Diane Chase For those that want to extend the maple season, Pok-O-MacCready in Willsboro will hold its “Last Drop” Pancake Breakfast ($6/adults, $5 (kids 12 and under) $6/seniors) from 8:00 a.m. – noon on April 30th. This event features homemade maple syrup collected and made right at the   Pok-O-MacCready Outdoor Education Center.   Further south in the Hadley/Lake Luzerne area the whole community is coming together for the 7 th   annual Maple in April Festival. On Friday, April 29 th   the event will kick off with a cooking contest in which all entries have to contain maple in the recipe. map of Rockwell Street events in Hadley There are plenty of family-friendly events happening on April 30th. The town of Hadley has closed off Circular Street to create a “big truck” area where children can explore local fire trucks, dump trucks and logging trucks.  The Saga City Exchange Group is putting on a children carnival with all sorts of games and th...

Adirondack Maple Sugar Shacks: Go for a Tour of a Maple Farm!

Here is a list of Maple Farms. Call ahead to make sure that they are open. It is a wonderful way to welcome in spring in the Adirondacks. There are maple breakfasts, wagon rides and tours of farms. Besides plenty of opportunity to sample the maple products. Enjoy! 

10 ways to enjoy Thurman Maple Weekend: Adirondack Family Activities

By Diane Chase Here are ten ways to enjoy Thurman New York (NY) Maple Weekend this March 12-13. With the weather starting to warm up, the sap will start running and it will be pancakes for everyone!  March 12-13, 2011 1) 9:00 a.m. Enjoy a pancake breakfast at Valley Road Maple Farm. (on Saturday and Sunday) 2) Grab your snowshoes or borrow a pair from Adirondack Gold Maple Farm and walk around the 35 acres of trails.