
Showing posts with the label free stuff

Craft Activity: Peanut Butter Pumpkin Dog Biscuits

Valentine's Day isn't just about candy and hearts, don't forget your four-legged friends! They hike the trails and always greet you at the door. Children will also love being able to help make their four-legged friend a healthy treat. Plus the added bonus is a lesson in measurements. Gather all the ingredients first and let everyone involved take a turn, no matter how small. Even give a small portion of the dough to let the kids roll out and cut out the treats. For even more fun, use cookie cutters. Peanut Butter/pumpkin Dog Treats 1 1/2 cups flour 
(I use whole wheat) 1/2 cup peanut butter (no sugar and creamy)* the kind of peanut butter that is just peanuts, no salt or sugar  1/3 cup canned pumpkin puree add a little water if needed until the dough can form a ball Grain-free peanut butter/ pumpkin dog treats grind oatmeal into a flour and substitute for the whole wheat flour Preheat the oven to 350 F. Combine wet ingredients. Mix the flour into the wet ing...

FREE Activity: Print out this MOOSE coloring sheet and fun facts

DID YOU KNOW? Moose are related to deer? The name "moose" is an Algonquin/Native American word meaning twig-eater • A male moose is called a bull • A female moose is called a cow • A baby moose is called a calf • The skin under the moose's neck is called a bell • Moose are herbivores. They eat plants • Moose are one of the largest animals in the Northern Hemisphere • Moose are excellent swimmers • Moose can eat 50-60 lbs of plants in a day!  Enjoy!  © Diane Chase is the author of the Adirondack Family Activities™ guidebook series , Adirondack Family Time™guidebooks have easy Adirondack family hikes, Adirondack swimming holes, Lake Placid Olympic activities, Adirondack trivia, Adirondack horseback rides, Adirondack snowshoe family trails and more. Look for the Adirondack family guidebook online or bookstores/museums/sporting good stores. Diane is currently working on the next Adirondack Family Activities™ guide.

Arts and Crafts: Tissue Paper Window Star Art

It has been a long winter and any signs of spring seem to be still buried under three feet of Adirondack snow. If you are also looking out the window and want to bring some color and freshness to your house, try these delightful window star art projects. Remember arts and crafts are not just for kids, but for adults, too! I am a devout purchaser of craft books, Pinterest  and crafting with friends. My children are very patient with my struggles to try to make something affordable as well as beautiful. Tutorial for Tissue Paper Window Stars Materials: tissue paper, colored wax paper or any paper that is translucent, glue and tape  Cut tissue paper into rectangles. Fold eight rectangles in half length-wise. Open back up. Fold each corner in to meet the center fold line. Crease the corners.

FREE Activity: Learn to Tie A Bowline: Print out this KNOT TYING worksheet and fun facts

Print out this KNOT TYING worksheet and fun facts Learn to Tie Knots: Bowline I always learned to tie a bowline with the "bunny around the tree" method. It seems to be a time honored system as now that is how my Adirondack kids have learned to tie this handy bowline knot. Enjoy! "THE BUNNY COMES OUT OF THE HOLE , GOES AROUND THE TREE AND GOES INTO THE HOLE" FUN FACTS:  1) The bowline has been used for over 400 years. It forms a xed loop at the end of a rope. 2) USES: hanging something around a tree like a hammock, pulling something up, lowering a package down 3) The short end (BUNNY) is called the working end while the long end (TREE) is called the standing end. 4) This knot won’t come undone while under stress but is still easy to undo. *WARNINGS: KNOTS ARE NEVER TO BE TIED AROUND PEOPLE OR ANIMALS AND ONLY USED WITH PARENTAL SUPERVISION Look for more family-friendly ideas on © Diane and Tyler ...

Craft: Build a Toad House

Are you overrun with toads?  Give them a home of their own. Here is a quick  Toad House  to make those warty creatures have a comfortable place of their own. Recycle old or broken terra cotta pots and get that toad settled in. Remember that toads can eat upwards of 1,000 insects in a day. They also eat grubs, slugs and bugs! © Diane Chase, author of  Adirondack Family Time: Tri-Lakes and High Peaks (Your Four-Season Guide to Over 300 Activities)  available  online  or bookstores/museums.