
Showing posts from August 28, 2011

Adirondack Hikes: New Slide on 46er High Peak Cascade Mountain due to Tropical Storm Irene

Cascade Mountain 4098' #36 of 46 Adirondack (Adk) High Peaks Distance = 2.4 miles to summit  The waterfall on Cascade Mountain has widened due to effects of Tropical Storm Irene According to the DEC  THE EASTERN ZONE of the HIGH PEAKS WILDERNESS, GIANT MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS and DIX MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS are closed through Labor Day Weekend and beyond due to dangerous conditions and extensive damage to trails and interior infrastructure. DEC intends to fully enforce this closure . Over the next several weeks DEC will be evaluating the conditions of all trails in the closed areas, prioritize work to rehabilitate trails and determine what trails may be reopened for public use. TRAIL ADVISORIES (8/31) : Hurricane Irene has created dangerous conditions across most of the Eastern Adirondacks including flooding, bridge wash outs, trail wash outs and blow down of trees and other debris. Back country travel is difficult, if not impossible, throughout much of the backcountry of the Ea...

Adirondack Restaurants: Lake Placid's Villa Vespa Take Out That Tastes Homemade

I can't be the only one who just doesn't feel like cooking. A quick stop to Villa Vespa in Lake Placid puts all my worries behind me. Fresh homemade pasta, garlic bread and an amazing Eggplant Parmagiano is all I need. Of course there are plenty of other options at this Italian specialty store.   from fresh soups

Video: Keene and Keene Valley Recover from Tropical Storm Irene

© Diane Chase, author of Adirondack Family Time: Tri-Lakes and High Peaks (Your Four-Season Guide to Over 300 Activities) for the towns of Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Jay/Upper Jay, Wilmington, Keene/Keene Valley which is available online or bookstores/museums/sporting good stores. Diane is currently working on the second guidebook in the four-book series of Adirondack Family Activities.

Easy Short Adirondack Hikes: Mount Baker in Saranac Lake

Adirondack Family Activities™: By Diane Chase Mount Baker (Baker Mountain) Saranac Lake, New York Distance:  1.8 miles RT  Ascent:  884′  Elevation:  2452′  Mount Baker is a relatively short climb (1.8-miles round trip) and perfect for our first mother-daughter hike. She is constantly talking to herself as I sign the registry, a running commentary, gathering and lining up all her imaginary friends. We have quite a gang climbing with us, though only two of us are visible to any passersby.

Hurricane Irene floods Keene/Keene Valley area Marcy Dam Bridge lost

By Diane Chase This WPTZ video  of the flooding shows just some of the damage around the Adirondack High Peaks area.  Here are more pictures as well as a video of the bridge around the Whiteface/Lake Placid Olympic Ski Jumps. So much flooding, so much to overcome. Phil Brown with Adirondack Explorer reports on the loss of the Marcy Dam Bridge and devastation to the Adirondack Loj road. Update:  The Cloudsplitter Gondola and Veteran's Memorial Highway are currently closed while damage from Irene is accessed. Please note Route 86 between Lake Placid and Whiteface is also closed at this time. photos are the © of and only used to direct people to the WTPZ video and warn visitors of the damage of the Routes of 73 and 9 in the Adirondack Park.  Diane Chase is the author of Adirondack Family Time: Tri-Lakes and High Peaks (Your Four-Season Guide to Over 300 Activities) for the towns of Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Jay/Upper Jay, Wilmington, Keene/Keene ...

Easy Adirondack Hikes: Azure Mountain between St. Regis Falls and Paul Smiths

Azure Mountain is about 2518 feet in elevation,  with beautiful views of the High Peaks region to the south and east and the St. Lawrence River to the north. Located off the Blue Mountain Rd., take NYS Rte. 458 to the Blue Mountain Rd. and travel approximately 6 miles to the trailhead. The parking lot is to the west. Our friends are going to climb Azure Mountain so we invite ourselves along for the hike. I am told it is an easy mile up . Not to underestimate my abilities but upon hearing the magic words, “one-mile” I am all for it. I can conquer a mountain; rest on top and still return for naptime.