
Showing posts from February 14, 1988

February 22, 2017 Harlem Globetrotter Trivia Contest Rules

ENTER TO WIN OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES Contest:  2017 Lake Placid NY  Harlem Globetrotter Trivia The Company: Adirondack Outdoor Expeditions, LLC  (AOE)  Address:   39 Prospect Street, Bloomingdale, NY 12913 Contest Area:  Open to anyone physically able to pick up the tickets from Will-Call at the Lake Placid NY Olympic Center Sponsor(s):  Adirondack Family Time Prize Provider(s):   The Harlem Globetrotters Age of Eligibility:   18 Contest Period:   February 16-19, 2017 Entries Due:   11:59PM EDT on February 19, 2017 Entry is limited to one entry per IP address. Drawing Date(s):   February 20, 2017 Number of Winners on Each Drawing Date:   One (1) Total Number of Winners:   One (1)  Prize(s) and Value(s):   One winner will receive four (4) pack tickets to "The Harlem Globetrotters" at the Lake...