Historic Saranac Lake presents Spring Event Series
March 24: Special Tour Marking World TB Day: Tour the grounds of the former Trudeau Sanatorium. Meet at 1 pm inside the Park Avenue gates, where street parking is available. Tour is free of charge. Call 518-891-4606 to reserve a spot . May 1: Daffest Walking Tour: A walking historic tour will leave Riverside Park at 10:30 am led by Director of Historic Saranac Lake, Amy Catania. Your group will stroll from Riverside Park along the shores of Lake Flower to the Bartok Cabin. $5/person, free to Historic Saranac Lake members. In May -- History Matters Seminar Series: We are planning our third annual spring seminar series, featuring topics of local history. Stay tuned for a schedule of talks. May 13: Preservation Celebration: featuring workshop sessions on window preservation, the National Register and the rehabilitation tax credit program, followed by a hard hat tour of the Hotel Saranac. More details and registration information coming soon. Stay tuned to hotelsaranac.