
Showing posts from January 31, 2010

Big Tupper/ Wild Center Bonus

Big Tupper has teamed with The Wild Center , the Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks. Anyone purchasing a ticket to the Wild Center or a day lift ticket for Big Tupper will get a free day pass to the other venue. The free ticket is good for up to two weeks. I am a fan of Big Tupper. Literally, a fan. I clicked on the Facebook flag and became a fan of the little mountain that could. I have been swept along with all the momentum of hearing about and have friends (this time real ones not just Facebook) that have spent time getting the mountain open. With all the computer progress updates and conversation, I have yet to ski there. My family has been able to go but it seems that my own family time has its work conflicts like any one else’s. Ironic isn’t it? To write about family activities but to then send the family off to enjoy so that I can work. My children assure me that they will report back in detail any discoveries from their ski outing at Big Tupper. Before I regale you wit...

Will playing games raise your child's IQ?

Will playing games raise your child's IQ? I am not talking about the cloak and dagger kind of games or my children's ability to creatively conjure ways to get out of walking the dog. According to a research study by Dr. Silvia Bunge, a neuroscientist at UC Berkeley, and her graduate students found certain off-the-shelf board, card and video games improved children's IQ significantly. Read more here

Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Schedule of Events

The complete Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Schedule of Events is here. Starting with the Coronation of Carnival Royalty. Thursday, February 4 5:30 p.m.: 11th Annual Past Royalty Mixer and Dinner (Moose Club, $, call 891-1286 for reservations) Friday, February 5 7:30 p.m.: Coronation of Carnival Royalty (Harrietstown Town Hall) Sponsored by the Women’s Civic Chamber Post Coronation: Reception following the ceremony at the B.P.O. Elks Lodge #1508 9 p.m.: Cocktail Hour – Music by Mecca Bodega (Waterhole Upstairs Music Lounge, $) 9 p.m. – 2 a.m.: Music by Road Dog Kill (Captain Cook’s, $) Saturday, February 6 10 a.m.: Ice Palace Fun Run (4 miles) (Ice Palace) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.: 17th Annual Business & Professional Women Chocolate Festival (Harrietstown Town Hall, $) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Lutheran Church Women’s Craft Sale (Harrietstown Town Hall, $) 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Petrova Winter Carnival (fun for kids) (Petrova Elementary School Cafeteria, $) 11 a.m.: The Adirondack ARC Curling Exhibition...