
Showing posts with the label Adirondack Mountain Club

Adirondack Events: National Trails Day with the Adirondack Mountain Club

The American Hiking Society has designated the first Saturday of June as National Trails Day. Across the United States events take place promoting and celebrating the nation's extensive trail network. The Adirondack Mountain Club asks its vast volunteer base to help with trail maintenance and give a little something back to the area that is preserved for everyone to use. Volunteer trail work originally started with "Trails and Shelters" in 1923, but the focus transitioned from building trails to sustaining them. On June 7-8, 2014, the Adirondack Mountain Club is highlight the historic Northville-Placid trail for National Trails Day. The original entrance to the trail will be moved from its Benson Rd location to downtown Northville. This will be the first annual Northville Trails Day Festival with activities such as Smokey the bear, crafts, artisans, bounce houses, guided walks and local Adirondack cafe. © Diane Chase is the author of the Adirondack Family Activiti...

Adirondack History: Adirondack High Peaks (46er) list with Mountain Name and Elevation

As you requested! Here is a list of all the Adirondack High Peaks (plus McNaughton which is 4,000' but not considered part of the 46 High Peaks) I will have Adirondack Fun Facts about each mountain so keep checking back. If you have other suggestions, please sending them in and I will do my best to get the information here as quickly as possible. Thanks for letting me know. A patch is given as well as an assigned number, though many people do choose not to register. Climbing all 46 High Peaks is not distinguished by the registration, but by the accomplishment. The Adirondack Forty-Sixers is more than just a place to register hikes, the service and hiking organization encourages and educates its membership on conservation and preservation of the wildness of the Adirondack Park in northern New York State.