Adirondack New York Maple Weekends 2012

By Diane Chase, Adirondack Family Activities Have fun this weekend with New York State's Maple Weekend. Producers across New York are hosting fun family events with wagon rides, tours, and sampling. Below is a listing of Adirondack (and beyond) producers. FRANKLIN COUNTY Friend's Maple Products, 402 Spencer Road, Burke, NY, (518) 483-5559 Activities: Free horsedrawn wagon rides to the sugarbush to see the tapping. Syrup,maple lollipops, maple cotton, maple cream and homemade donuts for sale. Don't miss a taste of ice cream with fresh maple syrup! Enter our drawing for a free gift basket of maple products. Tour the entire production process from tapping, gathering, & evaporating the sap. Directions: 1 1/2 miles off State Route 11, Burke Open: March 17, March 18, March 24, March 25 The Wild Center , Tupper Lake, (518) 359-7800 (admission) Activities: On March 17th it's All Maple Day sll day with...