
Showing posts from December 23, 2012

First Night Saranac Lake Schedule. Happy Adirondack New Year!

First Night Saranac Lake is just around the corner with exciting events,  spoken poetry, live music, comedy and magic. Come watch the snowflake ball watch and fireworks at midnight! Happy New Year from the Adirondacks!   to print a schedule, click here !  Buttons are $12 for adults and can be purchased starting in Mid-November at : Ampersound Music, Price Chopper Supermarket (Lake Placid), Books & Baskets, Blueline Sports, ADK Daily Enterprise, Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce, and the Lake Placid Visitor Bureau. Children 12 & under are FREE. All button sales are final. © Diane Chase is the author of the Adirondack Family Activities™ guidebook series, Adirondack Family Time™, which is available online or bookstores/museums/sporting good stores. Diane is currently working on the third guidebook in the four-book series of Adirondack Family Activities™.

Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from everyone at  Adirondack Family Time (Diane, Tyler, Sawyer and Lisse Chase)

Make A Snowflake For Sandy Hook Elementary Students

According to a press release from the National PTA, when school resumes for Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT ,  in the wake of last Friday’s school shootin g, students  will be in a new building. Parents and volunteers are working to ensure that the students are welcomed back by a winter wonderland with the entire school decorated with as many unique snowflakes as possible. The National PTA reports that an effort is under way to cheer the Sandy Hook Elementary students when they resume instruction. They are asking everyone to make snowflakes or to donate change in support of the Sandy Hook PTSA. Be as creative as possible, no two snowflakes are alike!  Please send snowflakes by January 12, 2013 to: Connecticut PTSA 60 Connolly Parkway Building 12, Suite 103 Hamden, CT 06514 The National PTA met with PTA leaders of all of the schools in Newtown, Conn., including the Sandy Hook PTA, as well as community leaders who requested the group’s help in...