
Showing posts with the label Halloween

Adirondack Halloween activities for 2020 (COVID-safe Halloween Events)

HIGH PEAKS AREA - Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake and beyond  Every Day until Oct 31: Dusk : Drive by and judge the Zonta ADK House Decorating Contest (Check FB for map) Every Day until Oct 31: 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm , 4 pm   Experience Outdoors Zipline , 4948 Cascade Rd, Lake Placid  (Call 518-524-7944) Last day: Oct 31 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: noon - 5 pm  The Great Adirondack Corn Maze: , Gabriels:  (open until last wkend of Oct)  Thurs-Sat year-round 10 am - 5 pm Saranac Laboratory Museum: Open, $7/adults, $5/students, FREE/children under 18 and members of Historic Saranac Lake (timed entrance) 10 am - 5 pm Saranac Laboratory Museum: Open, $7/adults, $5/students, FREE/children under 18 and members of Historic Saranac Lake (timed entrance)  Thurs -Mon, 10 am -5 pm LP Olympic Museum : Adult/Teen: $8,Jr/Sr:$6, 6&under/FREE  Friday, Saturday, Sunday : 10 am - 5 pm The Wild Center, Tupper Lake: Reservations required...

Ideas For A No Candy Halloween

When my children were young I didn't have to worry about candy or unhealthy snacks because I was the only one giving them snacks. They were satisfied with raisins and crackers. As they've gotten older they've gotten a sweet tooth for evening desserts and other treats. Now that Halloween is around the corner, it is all about the costume preparation. Soon enough, on All Hallow's Eve, it can be all about the candy. There are plenty of alternatives to passing out candy. Drug stores, local markets and even a "Dollar Store" will have inexpensive options like tattoos that can stay with kids much longer than a miniature candy bar. When it came to Halloween I used to ask our few neighbors to give our kids stickers for their sticker journals instead of sweet treats. If that didn't work, I traded each piece of candy my child received for a sticker or glow-stick. At the time my kids preferred a glow-stick option to candy. I still buy stickers, glow sticks a...

Halloween Candy Buy Back and Operation Gratitude

Now that our kids are all jazzed-up on sugar, it may be time to take a long hard look at all the hard won treasure. Some local dentists will buy back the candy for a $1/lb and donate it to troops oveseas. Other organizations will take the unopened candy and donate it to nonprofits that send care packages to overseas troops. All in all it is a nice start to thinking about other people. Want to get rid of your leftover Halloween candy?  Donate that as well!  Halloween Buy Back  and  Operation Gratitude  are two organizations that can help send care packages to those brave men and women serving our country! My children were excited to find out about a candy buy-back program and to do something for the troops. It didn't stop them from making sure their personal favorites are well hidden in our candy bin. Though they aren't exhibiting the altruistic behavior we were hoping for it was a nice segue into helping out other people. Click Here for a Listing of Ad...

Craft: Halloween Make a felted "candy corn" tote

For Halloween, make this easy felted candy corn tote and or felted bat. It is an easy pattern to follow and a great starting place to practice your knitting, crocheting and felting skills. Gauge is not essential for either craft which makes it a good activity for all. The free Felted Candy Corn Tote pattern is from Lion® Brand Lion® Yarn. Final size of bag = About 9 in. (23 cm) long after felting and not including handles.