Adirondack Nature Detective: Jewelweed Natural remedy for Poison Ivy
By Diane Chase One of the Adirondack Fun Facts covered in my guidebook Adirondack Family Time: Tri-Lakes and High Peaks (Your Four-Season Guide to Over 300 Activities) is that Jewelweed (Impatiens capentis) has been used as a treatment for poison ivy for centuries. Jewelweed is commonly known as "Touch-me-Not" or "Silverleaf." Touch Me Not because the tiny seed pods will explode when touched "like fireworks." Children will love to watch the seed pop open and you can know that the plant has other benefits as well. Another common name is Silverleaf. Put the leaf under water and its tiny "hairs" will repeal water, taking on a silver appearance. Take it out and the leaf is dry. Children will love to see this miracle while on the trail. How to identify