
Showing posts from August 2, 2009

Adirondack Music: The Loon Lake Live! Effect

There is still a buzz in the air regarding, what has been termed “the “Mozart Effect.” There have been studies done and videos made all in the attempt to make our children smarter, better and stronger. One aspect of the term emerged from the work of University of California Irvine’s Raucher, Shaw and Ky (1993). Their findings researched the effects of Mozart’s Music on 36 college undergraduates and tracked improvements in spatial intelligence after listening to 10 minutes of certain scores of Mozart. The findings created a cottage industry of hope for the fountain of intelligence with as many critics as followers. One part of the equation that I feel isn’t given its due is the passion and drive of a musician, those that practice for love of their instrument and what can come out of it. Those that want to show music as more than a sheet of paper with notes or a disk in a jewel case. It is a connection with people, played by people and very much for people. That is the Loon Lake Live! E...