
Paint and Sip in the Adirondacks

Usually I keep my art and my wine as separate events, but now there are plenty of opportunities for me to get my creative juices flowing paired with a glass of fine wine. In the Adirondacks and just outside the Blue Line there are various art organizations and dedicated businesses that encouraging all of us to dig deep for our inner artist and bring her/him along to an evening of "Paint and Sip." Combining painting a canvas among a group of friends with the commoraderie that comes with a few glasses of wine has no definitive history, but one southern artist,Wendy LoVoy, started offering an art instruction class  in 2004 which has now evolved into the Birmingham, Alabama home of Sips n Strokes, Inc.  Since that time other companies have franchised spreading the good fun across the nation.  One such company,  Painting with a Twist,  formed its earliest roots during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Formerly called Corks and Canvas , Painting with a Twist has built an emp

Keep Children Head Safe with Free Bike Helmets at the Bicycle Rodeo

I wonder sometimes if I’m the only parent that thinks her children are hardheaded. My kids can be sassy and sweet then rapid fire my words back to me in one-line quips. I realize they get tired of “Safety Mom” and the other titles they so eloquently bestow upon me. The bottom line is as stubborn as they can something be, their heads are not truly hard. So to make sure children’s noggins stay safe numerous organizations in Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake have joined together to host their annual Bicycle Rodeos.  The Saranac Lake event takes place June 6 from 10 am – noon at the SL Civic Center, 22 Ampersand Ave while the Tupper Lake rodeo will be held June 13 from 10 am to 2 pm at LP Quinn School, Hosley Ave. The schedules of the two activities are similar with free bike obstacle course, bike raffle, free helmets, refreshments and bike repairs. Tupper Lake will also host Flutterbug the Clown, face painting, a bounce house and other games.  

Learn About Group Solar Discounts at Solarize the Tri-Lakes

There are people in the Adirondacks that live off-grid. There is a misconception that those people are living a radical life of self-imposed hardship. Though certainly there are people that want to live a rustic life, going solar doesn't have to mean giving up the amenities. I like my electricity and the gadgets it powers up. I'd go so far as say I love electricity and the ability to turn on lights, use this computer and watch a television show. I also love the idea that I have the opportunity to harness my energy from the very sun that is drying my clothes right now. The issue for me has always been money and the fact that our old house is a drafty bit of business. A kick-off program called " Solarize the Tri-Lakes" is being initiated tonight, June 4,  in Saranac Lake at the Saranac Lake High School. The 6:30- 8 pm event is free and open to the public. The concept is simple, to bring people together in hopes that a solar network can be created. Shared solar se

An Easy Adirondack Walk and Views of Lake Champlain at the Champlain Memorial Lighthouse

By Diane Chase There is something special about having alone time with my daughter. It gets even better now that she branches out beyond the princess -themed play to climb, fish, or catch something. This time we are explores searching for new lands. We may not discover unchartered territory in our Adirondack Coast tour but we will tread on the lands discovered over 400 years ago by Samuel de Champlain. The Champlain Memorial Lighthouse sits on the edge of what is now the Crown Point Public Campground. It overlooks Vermont and sits surrounded by land that witnessed battles and forts. Originally constructed in 1858, the Champlain Memorial Lighthouse is a statement to the States of New York and Vermont and the Province of Quebec who worked together to reconstruct this monument as a testament to explorer Samuel de Champlain.