
Craft: Felt Christmas Trees

Jenny B Harris from Allsorts has done it again. She truly makes the most delicious felted holiday crafts. I've got my advent calendar all ready to go and now it is time to make these simple Christmas trees as part of our mantle center piece.

FREE Family Winter Film Series with the Champlain Valley Film Society

The Champlain Valley Film Society and I have a special relationship. There are opportunities in this world that are in our neighborhoods and we just can't be bothered taking advantage of it.  I had read about Film Society showing the Oscar nominated film "Captain Phillips." As it turns out the real Captain Richard Phillips had a connection to Essex, NY and the Champlain Valley Film Society. Not only was my family able to watch the film on the big screen, but we were able to participate in a Q&A with Phillips. My children still talk about the experience today.  Now the Film Society is doing something for families. Throughout the winter months, CV Film Society will be hosting three family-friendly films for free at the Whallonsburg Grange location.  December 7, Sunday, 2 pm: "Babe" i s based on the Dick King-Smith's book "The Sheep-Pig" in which an orphaned piglet is brought home and raised by border collies. When Babe helps stop a pac

Ten (10) Charity programs: Donate money without spending an extra cent!

Earth in Hands design by Kat as Adirondack Giving Tuesday Can Happen All Year Long! Even though #GivingTuesday is officially the Tuesday after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, I always hope that the act of giving will remain an everyday occurrence for my children. It is wonderful that such huge event remind us that giving is much more important than getting. It is also important to remember that it doesn't always have to be a grand gesture. Sometimes the small gestures are the ones that count the most.   Since #GivingTuesday only happens one time a year, here are 10 other programs that make the act of giving an everyday experience every time you shop, do an internet search or play a game. The programs listed below do not cost you one penny. These are all corporate affiliate programs that allow a percentage of your everyday purchases to go to the cause of your choice. Keep in mind these suggestions are in no way  a substitute for

Picture Quote: Snow!

"Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood."  ~Andy Goldworthy, artist

Small Business Saturday in the Adirondack High Peaks

Holiday shopping can be stressful, but I like to look at it as more like a treasure hunt. I want to find the ideal present. Around the Adirondacks many local merchants will be offering discounts and sales throughout Thanksgiving weekend. The wonderful thing is that these local businesses have handpicked each store item.  Here are a few things on my “To Do List.” Gift baskets are popular items for my extended family. I fill the baskets with local cheeses, Adirondack-made condiments, candles and maple products from Nori's Village Market and Green Goddess Natural Foods . I add packets of original notecards from artists at various galleries or Adirondack  made chocolates such as Barkeater Chocolate in North Creek, Adirondack Chocolates in Wilmington or Lake Placid Chocolatiers .    One family member enjoys complex puzzles and card games. A stop at Goody Goody’s or Imagination Station allows me the opportunity to talk with a person that has actually played the games and can a