
Lake George for Kids : Fun Facts:Lake George's Prospect Mountain

Prospect Mt trail follows the path of an old funicular Hike Prospect Mountain in Lake George , NY • Elevation= 2,041’ • Ascent= 1,600’

Lake Placid for Kids: Fun Facts for hiking Mt Jo

By Diane Chase Adirondack Family Time Fun Facts: • Mt Jo was originally named “The Bear” • It was renamed Mt. Jo in 1877 to honor Josephine Schofield, fiancĆ©e of Henry Van Hoevenberg. • Josephine Schofield helped choose the site for the Loj but died within the year, never living long enough to see their plans built • Van Hoevenberg bought 640 acres and Mt Jo as a memorial to his fiancĆ©e • Henry Van Hoevenberg built the original Adirondack Loj and some of the trails to the surrounding High Peaks. • Mt Jo’s elevation is 2,876 ft with an ascent of 700’. • Heart Lake was originally named Clear Pond. • At the time Adirondack Lodge (now Loj) was built it was the largest log structure in the world. • Melville Dewey, of the Dewey Decimal System, was an advocate for simplified spelling and a member of the Lake Placid Club, one-time owners of the Adirondack Loj.

Freezin For a Reason: Lake George takes a Plunge for Special Olympics

By Diane Chase Swimming in the heat of the summer can be a chilly affair in the Adirondacks. For the next few months, people across New York State will be cooling off by taking an icy plunge in support of Special Olympic athletes. “Last weekend our first Polar Plunge in Plattsburgh was met with great success.” says New York Special Olympics Associate Director Kaila Horton. “ Between 200-220 people plunged raising over $22,600 dollars in support of the athletes. The Polar Plunge is one of our big fundraisers of the year for Special Olympics.” Read More

Old computers won't load new websites.

I thought it would be interesting to take a picture of what I can/can't see when online. I feel blind while searching around the question marks, seeking the send/submit buttons. This has been an interesting excercise in patience. I am grateful for that.

Computer issues are universally inconvenient

I type this from a computer that was designated the "children's computer" because when I got my new Mac I knew that my old one would give my kids so much frustration that asking to be online would be as much fun as cleaning the house. Yes, a passive aggressive  way to limit screen time. Now those sentiments have come back to nip me at the heels as I wait 7 days for computer parts in hopes that my computer's tracking pad will once again allow me to work with ease.  This computer chug, chug, chugs along. Internet searches are drawn out and wireless is non existent.  It is giving me a completely new perspective on how much I depend on my computer to get my job done easily. So the next seven days will be challenging and I will be spending more time at the local library while my computer is made functional once more. Taking a break, willing or not, is sometimes just what we all need.