
Fun Facts: New York State

What is the flower of New York? What is the tree of New York? What is the NYS bird? *Check the index under Answers for, well, the answers!

Easy Short Lake Placid Hikes: Hiking Cobble Hill

By Diane Chase Take the family for this short hike located right in the center of the Adirondack's Lake Placid.  The kids of all ages will enjoy this scenic view of the High Peaks and village of Lake Placid. We are lathering the children with sunscreen. What a wonderful word, sunscreen. Up to this point we have unintentionally thwarted the sun’s rays by numerous scarves and ski masks. Sunblock would have been an unnecessary layer. Now the car has that smell of beach and summer and masks the musty road salt remnants of winter. We have discovered that a trip to the grocery store is best served after a bit of outdoor activity. Cobble Hill provides a quick remedy. The most challenging part of our climb up Cobble Hill is finding the entrance. Whitney Road is a private road so there is no sign posted. We are here at the good graces of easements and owners. A few cars are already squeezed against the side of the road. We park and walk up the road a bit then turn around. The trai

Tips: Start a Joyful Journal

Write down a couple of things a day that have made you happy! It doesn't have to be complicated or long otherwise you will find a reason not to do it every day. Just a date and a few lines. 3/18/09 I watched my children build a log house and we bowled it down I talked to my best friend today My dog is asleep on my feet I vacuumed my mini van (yes, I can not tell you how happy that makes me!) See it's easy. I have plenty more but just thought I would get those down!

A Wild Art Day

We have a big day planned with all sorts of activities on the agenda. We have errands to run and want to squeeze in an end of season ski as we work our way to Tupper Lake. The last thing on the list is going to the Wild Center. As we head into town the kids start negotiating the length of their stay at the museum. What has become the last stop now becomes the first. The children are thrilled to get here. I am always amazed that each time we show up it is just as exciting. I guess that is why it is a living museum. It is constantly changing and growing. The children know the way so our jackets are stowed, the movie times checked and the game plan discussed. My plan is to relax and have a cup of coffee. The kids are old enough now to be on their own for certain lengths of time. I take a seat behind the tables set up for the Family Art and Nature Project and under a “green intentions” exhibit. People have written on bits of cloth clipped to branches how they plan on living a greener life.

Japanese Wrapping Cloth

he Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan has a guide on using cloth as opposed to paper for wrapping gifts to cut down on the paper waste. Using the same square of fabric you can also create a tote bag to use to carry small parcels. Furoshiki (f'-ROHSH-kee) means “bath spread” and it derives from the practice of bundling clothes at public baths in the Edo Period (1603-1867). The term refers to any size or pattern, though most are around one to two ft. square. The furoshiki usually double-sided pattern and a stitched hem around the edges. Unlike wrapping paper furoshiki can be part of a gift, and can be used again and again. To make your own: Take a square of 100% cotton fabric (one that looks the same on both sides so there isn't a "wrong" side and stitch a rolled hem around the edge. You are finished. Now you can go out into the world and make it a better place! small = 18" medium = about 20" large = about 35" Another option is to go to the

Furoshiki directions


Fun Facts: Nature's Vitamin D

Did you know that with only 15 minutes a day you can get your required amount of Vitamin D ( by just being outside in the sunshine) With anything moderation is the key. Any more time than that do take protective measures with sunscreen otherwise go outside (and take your vitamin, too!)