Adirondack Museum Winter Cabin Fever Schedule 2012
Each winter the Adirondack Museum offers a Sunday series of special events that appeal to a variety of tastes. Lectures, writing workshops and concerts are some of the offerings for the 2012 winter. So cozy up and break through your own cabin fever at the Adirondack Museum.
Unless specified the cost for the Cabin Fever events is free to members and children; $5 for non-members and takes place at the Adirondack Museum auditorium at 1:30 p.m.
© Diane Chase, author of Adirondack Family Time: Tri-Lakes and High Peaks (Your Four-Season Guide to Over 300 Activities) for the towns of Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Jay/Upper Jay, Wilmington, Keene/Keene Valley which is available online or bookstores/museums/sporting good stores. Diane is currently working on the second guidebook in the four-book series of Adirondack Family Activities.
Unless specified the cost for the Cabin Fever events is free to members and children; $5 for non-members and takes place at the Adirondack Museum auditorium at 1:30 p.m.
Special Events
Chester Gillette: The Adirondacks' Most Famous Murder Case Lecture
JANUARY 15, 2012
Talk by author Craig Brandon
Big Cats of the Adirondacks Lecture
JANUARY 29, 2012
Presentation by Paul Jensen, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Natural Resources, McGill University
Nature: From Howling Wilderness to Vacation Destination Lecture
FEBRUARY 12, 2012
Presented by Charles Mitchell, Associate Professor, American Studies, Elmira College
Soulful Landscape Writing Workshop
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
With singer/songwriter Erica Wheeler ($30 for members and high school & college students; $35 for non-members.
Spaces are limited. Call to register at 518-352-7311 ext 128)Soulful Landscape Concert
FEBRUARY 26, 2012
With singer/songwriter Erica Wheeler
Adirondack Civilian Conservation Corps: History, Memories, and Legacy of the CCC Lecture
MARCH 11, 2012
Presented by author Marty Podskoch
Inventing Fashion: Iroquois Beadwork and the "Art of Flowering" Lecture
MARCH 18, 2012
Presented by Deborah Holler, Lecturer, Empire State College This Speakers in the Humanities event, which is free and open to the public, is made possible through the support of the New York Council for the Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. This lecture takes place in the museum's auditorium at 1:30 p.m.
Tracking Robert Garrow Lecture
APRIL 15, 2012
by author Lawrence Gooley
Children & Nature: The ABCs of Observation Presentation
APRIL 22, 2012
With Paul Hai, Program Coordinator, Northern Forest Institute. Free to members and children; $5 for non-members. This event is part of our Cabin Fever Sunday programming and will take place at the Crandall Library, Glens Falls, N.Y.
Opening Day
MAY 25, 2012
Join us on the first day of our 55th season!© Diane Chase, author of Adirondack Family Time: Tri-Lakes and High Peaks (Your Four-Season Guide to Over 300 Activities) for the towns of Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Jay/Upper Jay, Wilmington, Keene/Keene Valley which is available online or bookstores/museums/sporting good stores. Diane is currently working on the second guidebook in the four-book series of Adirondack Family Activities.