Adirondack Fun: Spring May Faire
Sometimes my children seem to forget that spring is a season. To them it seems more pit stop to summer than an event of its own. After a long winter, that seemed to want to continue with those late snowfalls, our house is a rush of summertime activity. My children want to discontinue jackets while one even attempts to boycott long pants. I am afraid to pack up the boots and coats because last time I stored the winter gear it snowed. I am just superstitious enough to believe that there is a connection.
The 1st annual Daffest will be a wonderful way to really cement the idea that spring deserves celebrating on its own. Saranac Lake’s new community event will paint the town yellow in 2011. Pathways and parks will be a bloom of color. Over a million bulbs will be planted this fall out and around Saranac Lake. To find out how to help, please go to Bulbs are available for purchase at a variety of sponsorship and donor levels. After a long winter a million daffodils will be a welcome sight.
In the meantime, Northern Lights School (NLS) is inviting everyone to welcome spring with open arms with their annual May Faire celebration this Saturday. Taking place at Heaven Hill Farm on Bear Cub Road in Lake Placid, this springtime festival will be charged with all sorts of family activities.
There will be craft tables, gift shop and café for all. Flower crowns, necklaces and kite making are just a few of the activities on hand to welcome spring. Make a wood craft with Jay Dawson of Major Pieces Rustic Furniture as well as see a show using handmade marionettes. This puppet show has only one 11:00 a.m. performance. There will also be a variety of relay races to keep even the most active kids happy.
The maypole will be up and all are welcome to dance and weave the ribbons around in this old-fashioned spring tradition. There will also be an Eurythmy performance by students and visiting teachers (made possible, in part, with a Developing Community Arts Grant with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts Decentralization Program administered locally by the Arts Council for the Northern Adirondacks.) As a movement art form, Eurythmists interpret speech or music with distinctive gestures.
NLS May Faire is May 22nd from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. with a fee of $5 per person and $18.00 for a family. For more information call 891-3206.