
Easy Short Adirondack (ADK) Hikes: Catamount (Franklin Falls) Lake Placid/Wilmington NY

Distance : 1.8 miles Elevation : 3,169' Vertical Ascent : 1,542' Catamount is a wonderful Adirondack family hike that takes children and families to a new level, behind easier hikes perhaps encountered previously. T his is a 1.8 mile hike (one way) is not for the meek though it begins as a flat wooded path for the first 0.5 mile before becoming steadily more steep. Follow the yellow painted slash marks through this private easement.  At about 0.5 mile  the trail bears right and begins to climb. Look for a small stream at 0.8 mi. and then the hike begins gaining in elevation and continues a mostly steep climb to the base of a narrow rock chimney at 1.5 miles.  

Adirondack Events: National Trails Day with the Adirondack Mountain Club

The American Hiking Society has designated the first Saturday of June as National Trails Day. Across the United States events take place promoting and celebrating the nation's extensive trail network. The Adirondack Mountain Club asks its vast volunteer base to help with trail maintenance and give a little something back to the area that is preserved for everyone to use. Volunteer trail work originally started with "Trails and Shelters" in 1923, but the focus transitioned from building trails to sustaining them. On June 7-8, 2014, the Adirondack Mountain Club is highlight the historic Northville-Placid trail for National Trails Day. The original entrance to the trail will be moved from its Benson Rd location to downtown Northville. This will be the first annual Northville Trails Day Festival with activities such as Smokey the bear, crafts, artisans, bounce houses, guided walks and local Adirondack cafe. © Diane Chase is the author of the Adirondack Family Activiti

Saranac Lake: Bicycle Safety and Free Helmets at the Rodeo

A bicyclists making a stop hand signal  Yippee-Ki-Yay, it’s time for the rodeo. Well, not all rodeos are with horse and cowpokes, folks. It’s the annual Bicycle Rodeo at the Saranac Lake Civic Center. It still calls for a bit of a “yeehaw,” but instead of riding wild bulls, children will use their own power to ride around traffic cones and avoid obstacles, in the form of other bicyclists.    Last year my daughter got a refresher course on bicycle hand signals and bicycle road rules. While other children chose to go around the course as fast as possible, she took her time. There is a sense of relief to watch my young child cautiously approach the stop sign while attempting to use a bicycle safety hand signal.  Police volunteers are there to help coach children with proper technique. For anyone needing a refresher course, a bicyclist is supposed to go with traffic, but stay close to the painted line on the right side of the road. Use the left hand for all directional signals

Adirondack Invasives: Where to look for Native New York Plants

My backyard has a mixture of wildflowers and cultivated plants with an eye toward native perennials. I gentle move the spring foamflowers, bunchberries and bluets that always manage to pop up in the middle of my kids’ baseball field. I protect the trillium from the puppy and neighborhood kids while making sure nothing invasive has traveled perhaps by squirrel, bird or child. Yes, child. I’ve had to educate my daughter that picking roadside plants, (which sometimes includes the roots, is not a good way of keeping our garden and property safe from Adirondack invasives. Since she is also a fan of gardening, I’ve limited her transplanting to items already located to our property. I’m always adding new plants and like most gardeners like to share and receive plants from friends and neighbors. I try to be careful and research each plant before accepting to my garden. I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way, but am thankful for all the organizations out there willing to share in

Be A Nature Detective: Robin Red Breast First Sign of Spring

By Diane Chase Honestly, my children think the first sign of an Adirondack spring is the Michigan hotdog guy that places his cart at the intersection of Route 86/30 in Paul Smiths. That fellow is sometimes out there waiting for Paul Smith College students even in weather that Mother Nature's first sign of spring, the Robin Red Breast , finds daunting.