
Adirondack Museums: Goodsell Museum in Old Forge

By Diane Chase The Goodsell Museum in Old Forge is free to the public and open all year. Visit the Floating Letters exhibit until October 31 st  or enjoy the other items that provide an historical blueprint of the area. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. At the Goodsell Museum children are encouraged to mix and mingle throughout the various exhibits. On the ground floor there are glass cases and cordoned-off taxidermy animals but a pack basket set to the side is marked with a yellow circle, handprint and “OK.”. Children know anything marked with that symbol is fair game. My children examine all the animal pelts gingerly and even try on a few fox collars. Upstairs they examine some medical equipment in a different “please touch box.”  

Adirondack Family Activities: Wilder Homestead Harvest Fest Sept 24

By Diane Chase My mother read all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books to me and I started the same tradition with my daughter. I thought as we read that we could duplicate the activities the Ingalls family was experiencing. Since we are not pioneers or living a homestead life I quickly realized that my attempt at a summer full of fun activities was getting complicated right from the start when “Pa” built a log cabin. We did collect sticks and attempt to notch them to comprise a log dollhouse. We eventually had to skip the house to continue to the story and enjoyed some homemade bread. Most people have heard of the “Little House” books that preserved a personal account of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s frontier life. Translated into over 40 different languages, the Laura Ingalls Wilder series glimpses into a time that has disappeared but that clearly demonstrates how settlers like the Ingalls and Wilder families built our country.

Talk Like A Pirate Day is Sept. 19

All Hands Hoay! Argg... you survy dogs September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day so ” Blow me down” and “Shiver me timbers." What? Can't be bothered talkin' like a pirate? Then prepared to be keel hauled, and it will be Davy Jones’ Locker for ye. Whether ye be scallywag or landlubbers. Whatever ya fancy, belay yer bellyachin’ and get out an have some fun! I can't think of any more pirate speak. My children are at school. Since they tend to break into fluent Pirate every day of the year, after a few rounds of "You can't tell me what to do," I can usually glean a few sassy pirate words for the record. Perhaps I can add a few more when it's time to do homework. Q: Did you finish your homework? A: Arrgg...

Lake Placid celebrates 20th annual Teddy Bear Picnic

The Kiwanis Club of Lake Placid will host its 20th annual Teddy Bear Picnic this Sunday, September 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the renamed Teddy Bear Park on Hillcrest Ave in Lake Placid, located near St. Agnes Church.  Bring your  bear. There is a parade at noon. Children and parents are encouraged to dress up. There is a costume contest and decorated wagon "float" contest. Food and beverages are available. This a great family-friendly event that will bring out the child in all of us!

Adirondack Inside Activity or Birthday Party: Twin Crystal Rock Shop Saranac Lake

Hunting for treasure whether on the trail or at our home still seems to hold some fascination for my children and, to be perfectly frank, for myself as well. If Jed Clampett can strike “liquid gold” in his backyard, why not me? (My husband feels obligated to remind me that The Beverly Hillbillies is a fictitious show, not a documentary.) Fine. Well, if you visit Kasey and Kean Riley’s Twin Crystal Rock Shop , treasure takes on a whole new meaning. The store shelves are lined with beautiful jewelry, most of which is handmade locally. There is a room dedicated to florescent stones, a sandbox for treasure digging and shelf dedicated to old-fashioned candy.

Benefits for Tropical Storm Irene Victims Around the Adirondacks

All sorts of businesses have stepped up to help those in need. Don't worry if you can't attend an event. You can donate online for the Keene/Keene Valley Recover Fund  or mail a check for the Jay/AuSable Flood Recover Fund   b y sending a check or money order with the notation “UJFR” to:  Town of Jay Irene Relief Fund – P.O. Box 730 – Ausable Forks, NY 12912 Today in Lake Placid, September 14, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.  This event is open to the public with a $10 donation suggested. The Whiteface Lodge will be hosting The Hurricane Irene Benefit with Silent Auction, Below are just a few of the Silent Auction Items: -Tivoli Lodge- 3 Nights Stay -The Sky Lodge- 2 Nights Stay with 2 Signautre Massages -Msoaic Hotel- 2 Nights Stay -Lake Placid Pub & Brewery $100.00 Gift Certificate

September is Head Lice Prevention Month

By Diane Chase G ood grief. Finding out that September is Head Lice Prevention Month was not the welcome message I expected from my inbox this morning.   The picture above is not an animation of some upcoming Hollywood blockbuster but t wo lice viewed under an electron microscope. Note the claws used to grasp onto individual hairs.   Photo Credit: Center of Disease Control (CDC).